Letter to my clients in the end of the year (Sept 19,2020). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To book an appointment: - http://fb.com/book/winnipegosteopathy - text at: (204)6982998 - email: winnipegosteopathy@gmail.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
My dear clients, especially I address it to my regular customers. So we stepped over with you through the Hot Summertime. And now the hours and minutes are gradually lining up to complete this difficult year. Remembering the end of last year, I suddenly thought about you. Probably all of you remember how hard it was last year to book an appointment at the end of the year. As I understood this is a constant pattern.

So my idea today is to offer you to book your appointments in advance up to the end of the year, in order to not experience problems with booking your appointments in the end of the year. It's easy - just book not only next appointment, but a few including December. This will greatly facilitate your following visits.
Sincerely yours, Manual Osteopath Dmitry Vasilyev. #winnipeg #osteopathy #massage #craniosacral #chiropractic #physiotherapy #psychotherapy #mindbody #winnipegosteopathy #winnipegmassage #winnipegcraniosacral #winnipegchiropractic #winnipegphysiotherapy #osteopathycanada #health #backpain #headache #stress #emotionalrelease